Thread: Gear Help!
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Old December 3rd, 2011, 21:30   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Thornton, Ontario
Question Gear Help!

So I'll be starting Airsoft in March when I turn 18 and can get age verified. Until then I want to get as much gear as possible that I don't need to be AV'd for for Christmas, so then I can ask for the batteries, bb's, goggles etc for my birthday and then use my own money for whatever else I need that I didn't get, like my gun or more pouches, etc. So anyways after looking at gear for the last month or so I've decided I want the Pantac Rrv in Multicam I saw on Redwolf, but there appears to be 2 styles of multicam, , this one is cheaper and from the picture looks different than this one, which is 30 bucks more. Is this just lighting issues, or is it actually lighter/more tan in it? Will that mean I have to get the right variant of each pouch or it will not match, for example these two medic pouches are both multicam, but different. There's a guy in the classifieds selling some never used mc Pantac pouches and then I don't want to get those and find out they are the wrong variant, or have to go searching to find the right variant. Plus, Airsoft GI has magazine pouches that redwolf do not have in multicam, so then if there are actually 2 variants I'm worried then that the ones at GI will not match.
So if anyone could clear this up for me it would be awesome, and then I can continue with Part 2/3 of my gear related questions, I got a lot of them!

Last edited by Niloc; December 5th, 2011 at 22:53.. Reason: Eeyore is a Grammar Nazi, no more run on sentence :P
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