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Old November 22nd, 2011, 19:11   #80
terrorist one
Join Date: Dec 2009
I just spent 30 min on the phone with his very nice and concerned mother, She has noticed this and has been talking to here son about this for some time now.

As for Erik i also had a very long chat with him and i managed to reason some sense into him about the glory army die thing. I advised him to stop importing illegal things into canada and that if ever he would be charged with smuggling weapon parts. He has told me that he has stopped since and will no longer do so. I told him that a criminal record is not well seen in the military. I do believe he was sincere and true. As for the hole military and gun fanatics, he is now being coached by someone that i knew in CFB Comox. The personne helping him and advising him is in the airforce, a very nice and smart dude and will probably convince him to join the chairforce. I do not believe that the army or green side of the house is bad, i respect and admire all the work they do. I just think that Erik would not be joining for the right reasons.

So all and all, after months of procrastinating, i believe that this problem has been averted and that erik is on the right path for his future, he is a smart kid, maybe just just misguided. So i dont believe he will be seen on the news anytime soon for any weapon related crimes and i have told him to stop admitting to doing stupid shit only or doing it at all. I believe this kid will not be a problem on ASC, as i dont think he will return. He is immature, for sure, but i do believe his parents, that are very concerned and his staff in his cadet corp will keep him in check.

Boy, i fell better now.

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