Thread: Loadout Help
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Old November 18th, 2011, 22:03   #15
Silverback93's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Conception Bay South, NL
Finally figured out what I want to do ! I was almost set on getting the m81 woodlands as a set and wearing coyote brown gear but I just changed my mind, and hopefully for the last time lol. Ive decided to go all OD, similar to the old Canadian Forces, Austrians and Israeli's. Why? Here are a few reasons...

-OD gear is cheaper and is just as available if not even more available (at least in my area) than the BDU stuff.

-Pretty well every piece of kit that you can get for airsoft usually will have an OD version as well.

-Unlike a lot of other woodland camo's (marpat, and BDU's), it doesn't turn you into a dark blob when you get so far away in a more well-lit environment as BDU's seem to work in dense, dark woodlands the best...or at least in my opinion.

-I would love to go with a Euro camo such as the Swedish m90, Fleck, something Russian or even the Italian stuff but its harder to get here (I'd have to order it as opposed to just going to my local army/navy) and importing it would jack up the price. I just don't like digital camo by the way.

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