Thread: Loadout Help
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Old November 18th, 2011, 09:22   #12
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Conception Bay South, NL
Originally Posted by Wrath144 View Post
Going with a platform like that requires specific mag pouches, which may be tough to find with the rig you want. The solution would be to get a G36 with a magwell adapter, that lets it use M4 mags. Getting tan or brown pants would make them multi-purpose. Buying a woodland smock instead of a desert one will cut the price considerably.
Have you decided whether you want a static chest rig, molle chest rig, plate carrier etc yet?
I was thinking a static chest rig but I'm not really set on anything. I just want something have decent for a decent price. And I never thought about the mag problem. I'll probably just get an ak...shouldn't be too hard to get pouches for that. I'm also sort of interested in a Russian/Spetsnaz loadout. Doesn't really matter which of their camo's/uniforms to me, I like all of it really...I just need to find out where to get it. My personal favorite is the KLMK suits!

As for vests again, I was thinking something similar to these...
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