Thread: Loadout Help
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Old November 16th, 2011, 16:47   #6
5kull's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2009
You can see by the answers you got that you need to know what you want before making any decision at all. You dont build a great loadout by saying, I have this jacket, it's okay, let's save 30$ and spend 300$+ around it

You have to find pictures of a complete look you like or study what a particular kind of warrior uses. You must also factor in your friends, if all your buddies use Marpat and you buy Multicam..... The most important thing, figure out how much it cost for the basic items, pants, shirt, hat, get them and slowly build your impression. Be realistic, your wallet doesn't care if you like something, you must be able to afford it.

Have fun
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