Originally Posted by Donor
Originally Posted by BC_K
Also, I choose not to wear hearing protection so I can hear eveything that is going on around me.
Ah yes, the very reason why nearly 90% of the people at ranges wear electronic ear protection that blocks out noise above a configurable DB level, while allowing the lower DB... such as important commands from the acting Range Officer
The other 10% wear the foam inserts or regular ear muffs.
You really don't go to a range much do you? You really don't even own those firearms you mentioned do you? Hell, I bet a friend let you pop off a couple rounds which obviously makes you an expert now :nod:
And yes, Norinco is the shit! :lol:
Sorry BC_K, feeling a bit shit-flingy today... slow Monday at work. I don't mean to offend you! Feel free to retaliate, I deserve it by now
Alright, Alright, Back on topic
Hahaha. No, I dont go the range that often.
No, The firearm's are not mine.
Yes, Friends, actually my cousins let me use them. Put a LOT of round's through them.
Me an expert? Hah, far from.
Hehe it's all good man. Gotta congrat you on the snappy remark. Very well done. Accurate as well.
Alright back on topic. So is there anything like the first mentioned grenade available in Canada? I'm guessing no, but ya never know.