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Old June 13th, 2005, 16:00   #23
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Mississauga, Ont
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Originally Posted by BC_K
Also, I choose not to wear hearing protection so I can hear eveything that is going on around me.
Ah yes, the very reason why nearly 90% of the people at ranges wear electronic ear protection that blocks out noise above a configurable DB level, while allowing the lower DB... such as important commands from the acting Range Officer

The other 10% wear the foam inserts or regular ear muffs.

You really don't go to a range much do you? You really don't even own those firearms you mentioned do you? Hell, I bet a friend let you pop off a couple rounds which obviously makes you an expert now :nod:
And yes, Norinco is the shit! :lol:

Sorry BC_K, feeling a bit shit-flingy today... slow Monday at work. I don't mean to offend you! Feel free to retaliate, I deserve it by now

Alright, Alright, Back on topic
Glock Glock... Who's there?
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