Loadout Help
So I'm starting to try and create my first ever legit loadout and I was wondering if somebody could lend me a hand. Right now I only own bits a pieces of different uniforms...I don't have a complete set of anything (long story why but that's irrelevant). Anyways, what I do currently own are ACU pants, DCU pants, OD pants, Flecktarn jacket and a woodland bdu jacket. I didn't want to go for any look in particular either. Just something original and some what different. By the way I will also be playing in a woodland environment. Furthermore, I would like to work around one of the pieces of gear above...it doesn't really matter what it is personally.
Possible ideas so far are...
1) All woodland bdu with either OD or coyote brown gear
2) ACU bdu with OD gear
3) Woodland or Fleck top with tan, DCU or OD bottoms, OD gear and Army of two mask or Shemagh or Balaclava (kind of a baddie look)
4) OD bdu with all coyote brown gear