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Old June 13th, 2005, 15:03   #21
Future_Sniper_'s Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: In my closet field stripping my AK. (Kitchener, Ontario)
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Some people choose not to wear hearing protections, personally I wear it, and I think it would be dumb not to wear it indoors especially do to echo's, plus there really is no reason not to, its not like your at war and fighting for your life, your just shooting paper targets.
If I write weird shit late at night, its probably because I'm drunk.

One mans terrorist, is another mans freedom fighter.


AK47, M4A1, SR15 SpecOps, Sig 552, G26, Para .45, MP5K, MP5K PDW, MK1 Carbine, M8000 Cougar, M93R, and 8mm Derringer.
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