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Old June 13th, 2005, 06:37   #17
Greylocks's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Gatineau, Quebec (Near Ottawa)
Considering the power source (blanks) it's not bloody likely to make it here.
Blanks are (duh) explosives. That would guarantee it could not be used in many places, if at all.
And to whoever said 150db does not matter, talk to me when you're over 30 and the results of the 'harmless noise' have taken some effect. I do shoot real guns, and I'll be damned if I want to submit myself to that level of noise without hearing protection; that's just retarded.

I'd love to see the end of grenade (accessories) discussions in the General part of the forum. We have an Accessories section for a reason.

I'm also a bit tired of seeing every possible hairebrained grenade idea being promoted.
There is no currently available cheap solution to the problem that is safe and legal. Cope with it.
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