Originally Posted by airplaneman
I'm not saying I'm a crack shot :P. I've been shooting for several years now, and at shooting ranges, my handgun accuracy is usually not bad. It's been a while since I've been to the range though, so I could be wrong. It just seemed to me like the BBs were deviating from target.
In terms of wobble, when I pull the slide back, I can move the outer and inner barrel about 1/8"-1/4" side to side. Is this normal? The sights are tight, and the slide itself doesn't move around very much (I assume the amount it does move is normal).
When the barrel and the slide are "unlocked"(pulled back), they will wobble, that is normal. Its important that the gun fits decently well, when it is in battery, with the slide forward and locked to the barrel. The gun when firing, will stay in that position until BB left the barrel, and only until then the slide will begin to cycle. If its a tight fit, it'll also mean that the next time it is forward, it goes back to relatively the same place. So it is consistent from shot to shot.
Like ILLusion said, a stock TM Hi-Capa, assuming its relatively new and not worn to bits. will be decently well fit, and capable of delivering more than acceptable accuracy at 20ft, probably better than most stock GBBs, TM or otherwise. Since it also has one of the longer barrel.