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Old November 11th, 2011, 10:22   #35
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Waterloo, Ontario
Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
The only other hardware issue that I can think that would cause such poor grouping (assuming you're are a crack shot), is to check for wobble between all interfaces from the inner barrel to the sights.

These interfaces would be:

1. Sights mounted to slide
2. Slide to outer barrel
3. Outer barrel to inner barrel.

If there's excessive wobble between these three interfaces, then this could create a fluctuating deviation from point-of-aim point-of-impact. But again, the only way to get a 12" grouping at just 20 feet, your gun would have to be EXTREMELY wobbly and the entire assembly would have to wobble around like a maraca... and probably wouldn't hold itself together very well.

Out of the box, a brand new Tokyo Marui has great fitment. WE's come metal out of the box, but are significantly much more wobbly than Tokyo Marui is, but even with a WE, I can get a sub 5" grouping at 20 feet.
I'm not saying I'm a crack shot :P. I've been shooting for several years now, and at shooting ranges, my handgun accuracy is usually not bad. It's been a while since I've been to the range though, so I could be wrong. It just seemed to me like the BBs were deviating from target.

In terms of wobble, when I pull the slide back, I can move the outer and inner barrel about 1/8"-1/4" side to side. Is this normal? The sights are tight, and the slide itself doesn't move around very much (I assume the amount it does move is normal).

Originally Posted by TaroBear View Post
5 inches is about a hand apart from where you wanted it go to. If there's nothing wrong with your gun, consider carrying a training knife in your holster instead of a pistol to your next game.
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