The only other hardware issue that I can think that would cause such poor grouping (assuming you're are a crack shot), is to check for wobble between all interfaces from the inner barrel to the sights.
These interfaces would be:
1. Sights mounted to slide
2. Slide to outer barrel
3. Outer barrel to inner barrel.
If there's excessive wobble between these three interfaces, then this could create a fluctuating deviation from point-of-aim point-of-impact. But again, the only way to get a 12" grouping at just 20 feet, your gun would have to be EXTREMELY wobbly and the entire assembly would have to wobble around like a maraca... and probably wouldn't hold itself together very well.
Out of the box, a brand new Tokyo Marui has great fitment. WE's come metal out of the box, but are significantly much more wobbly than Tokyo Marui is, but even with a WE, I can get a sub 5" grouping at 20 feet.