Originally Posted by ILLusion
Nova is actually one of the most consistent manufacturers of full conversion kits on the market. I would put PGC/Pro-win just slightly below them, only because their Warrior kit sucks huge ones, but besides that one screw up, the rest of their kits are consistent and relatively headache free.
Actually, the VFC kit (they only have one style) is the EASIEST to install... and get this, it's die-casted. I've installed a half dozen of them, and not only are they really cheap to buy, but they go together without a hitch. No mods required. Just follow the instructions and you're home free! The only caveat, is that they only come in the MEU early model style...
(VFC doesn't require the BBU tab to be cut off. It's Guarder that requires that, which I think is absolutely stupid engineering.)
As for HK gunsmiths charging the same price for all kits.... let me put it this way: if a gunsmith is charging the same amount regardless of the kit, then he's either charging you more for the kit to compensate for labor time (assuming you're buying the kit from him as well), or they don't know what they're doing, and you'll increase the chances of receiving a complete built gun that doesn't function 100%. I've had to fix a few of these already for customers not happy with their custom overseas orders...
... anyways, not all gunsmiths who charge cheap are crap. There is just more crap than there is good - if you can sift your way through the mess, then good on you. As long as you are not paying for an overzealous noob gunsmith's learning curve.
Hey Brian,
Thanks for the update in regards to the brands above. I think many people will find that info useful if they want to upgrade their 1911s with metal kits since I believe it's the first time that the issues with the fitting between the brands have been written in one post! :P
Anyway, I remembered you said that the VFC kits were the easiest to fit (in fact drop in from what you're saying now!). I think I came across the need to do the guarder mod for the VFC kit from somewhere else on the other forum I visit where there was a review of the VFC kit. Anyway, can you tell me what's so notable that the VFC is diecasted and can drop-in fit that you have to point it out? I'm just curious to your observations about it; is it because with diecasting the molds will wear out sooner or later (leading to inconsistent kits when the molds wear out but VFC seem to have mitigated that)? Can you also explain why the Guarder 'mod' is a stupid design? I thought that little tab that is required to remove is not a load bearing piece (don't remember exactly where that part was but it's at the front of the BBU right?) so it's not much of an issue to remove that part?
With the NOVA kits, I thought there were plenty of small issues that doesn't make the kit a drop in fit (with the small issues being a hassle if one doesn't have a dremel at hand). I think I've mistaken my thoughts above with the NOVA control parts (thumb safety, grip safety, slide catch, etc.)? I'm planning to change my current SIS Kimber to look as close to the RS as possible so I'll be buying the NOVA grip safety, MSH, bushing, and recoil spring plug (Don't think I've missed any parts...); if it's not a hassle for you I'd like to hear what you have to say about the fitting of those parts :P
My friend with the Covert II kit used to have a PGC MEU kit...he got a 'friend' who works at a wargame site (since closed because of extremely negative reviews in regards to the staff's attitude) and he said it took a lot of fitting and the 'friend' ALMOST screwed up the kit. Hence that's why I believed the PGC kits required more fitting than the Hurricane one since the Covert II's problem merely rests on the barrel/slide lugs and BBU. The lower frame was a tight drop-in fit and the lower frame worked with my SIS slide assembly installed (even though the hammer dropped infrequently; I think I nailed that problem down to te tight fit between the internal and eternal frame area where the sear disconnector resides; a bit of sanding in that part should loosen the disconnector enough to allow the lower frame to function 100%).
As for gunsmiths charging the same price for the kits; what I mean was for each individual gunsmith I think they generally charge the same price if they were asked to install a Hurricane or PGC or NOVA kit. If they charge more for, say the Guarder kit because it requires more labour hours, I don't think they'll charge less for the easier fitting kit because they get to charge more based on the kit with the most labour hours involved and in Hong Kong is very VERY easy to prey on airsofter's lack of knowledge in order for the gunsmiths to earn money (I know many people in the local scene...some international school kids too, that have never even tried splitting their M4s in half by removing the pins that hold the upper and lower receivers together...coupled with the imperfect shimming almost all stock gearboxes have and the lack of initiative for HK airsofters to actually take a look inside their guns gunsmiths can charge HKD 100 for INSPECTION FEE here in Hong Kong. Inspection fee only if you decide not to get the gun fixed...and if you get the gun fixed, any random parts they throw into your gun to 'fix' the problem you'll have to pay for it).
I have some luck in getting my SIS kit together and bringing it to a 'reputable' gunsmith (quotes because he once told me that running a 11.1v 50c lipo will blow up my AIP High Speed Motor..but he's great with installing aftermarket kits on pistols from what I've heard) and telling him exactly what I want to get fixed (the barrel lug and removing my NOVA match trigger to install the Hurricane solid match trigger) so he's only charging me HKD 100 for labour, which is probably the lowest I can pay for in Hong Kong assuming I don't have any connections with any of the gunsmiths in Hong Kong.
Oh oh one last question sorry :P Again I want to build my SIS as close to the RS as possible and the recoil spring plug on the RS has a flat face. As far as I can tell only WA makes those recoil spring plugs with the flat face so I was wondering whether you know the WA recoil spring plugs can fit the Marui (well Hurricane now) frame and recoil spring.
Thanks again for reading through all my long posts Brian, I really appreciate it :P