Originally Posted by Necrosphere
Just spent the last 19 minutes writing and re-writing a response.... None of them sounded right I can never get my point across in words... I guess I should just worry about school for now.... I just wish I could try out Airsoft or something because then I will know if waiting these next two years of my life will even be worth it.. There is no point in sacrifice for nothing... On the other note the reason I want to know some retailers is because my pops whom is a pretty damned good marksmen and all around out-doorsy guy wants to get me an Airsoft gun because I am an in-doorsy guy and my old man would love nothing more then to see me get outside and lose this Milky white exterior (And so would I) Airsoft is one of the very few things that I have been like YEA I want to go and do that instead of wasting my life away playing mindless and pointless video games... And since I'm "just a child" I get slapped in the face and told to go back to my den it's ridiculous and degrading... And all this just sounds like whiney little kid talk... Sigh... I feel like I have split personality and one of them is 100 years older then the other.... :banghead: rant rant rant.... This all just seems really immature. I'm going a million differant ways at once and I don't even know where it starts, let alone where it ends... I have a feeling this is all excessive and crap and shouldn't be here so if it's I will delete if not then my conscious can rest at ease. :s
you will be too young for 2 years and too old for the rest of your life.. Relax and go play paintball