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Old September 22nd, 2011, 13:43   #1
mas_oyama's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Montreal
Painted orange tip removal

I'm getting a nice TM L96-AWS Shipped from the states by custom order from our retailer who specializes into that(won't name him here, as this section is opened to non-AV'd...). Now he told me that those come with an orange tip (its from RedWolf Airsoft), and that the tip is not a plastic tip, its orange paint applied on the end of the barrel.

Now the guy told me that you can use a product to remove that paint easily and without damaging the gun, but he didn't remember what was that product. I am to receive the gun next week, or maybe in two weeks, and he suggested me to ask here for the specific product to use. Do anybody know exactly what I should get?


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