Thread: need help
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Old September 22nd, 2011, 01:52   #10
L473ncy's Avatar
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Location: 11-30-24-1W5
Originally Posted by bravotv View Post
Indeed i am underage and i didint know that you need to be 18 to play, i am 16.
It's actually fine to be underaged and play BUT only if the local community supports it. I know of 4 places where minors are welcome. "EASY Group" (Edmonton Airsoft Youth), Ambush Anonymous (I think they go by a new name now), Low Shotz, and Fraser Valley Airsoft Assn. Other places it's generally on a case by case basis. For example BCAirsoft Club allows minors but Op For Airsoft Club only runs "youth days" once in a while and it's generally 18+.

For all intents and purposes though you should consider airsoft being 18+ and younger only on a case by case basis.

PS: There is sometimes an age restriction for paintball but it depends on what the insurance policy for the field is. I think it may be 12+ most of the time but other times 14+ or 16+, again it all depends on the insurance policy of the field in question (younger age and higher FPS limits = higher premiums for the field generally, but they may be able to recover costs depending on the target audience, popularity, and such).
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