Originally Posted by Oborous
If you are basically to the point of you'll toss the pouches/burn them in frustration, you can soak them in gasoline or kerosene and then shove your mag's in when it's still wet. This will damage the fibers/threads to some degree, so the whole thing will be less strong. (Of course, do in a well ventalated area, no open flames, be smart, common sense, etc.)
These 2 statements are at odds
Have you actually done this.. and had success?
or is this a " I heard from a guy who said a guy he knows heard this works"
you will never get the smell out of the gear.. ever
The best option with respect to gear that does not work is to junk it and buy stuff that does.
Buy real name brand quality gear and you don't have to deal with this sort of BS.. Buy quality, buy once.