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Old August 13th, 2011, 13:38   #8
The Hunter
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Airdrie, Alberta
Haha I know, I was hoping the Framas had come into modern times by now, I know that when I last used one I was told that although they are good guns, they are unreliable because of the gen 1 gear box and the mounting it at the read body of the gun, whenther that is true or not I am unsure, but i do recal them breaking and not being able to easily find part.

As far a a sniper rifle costing 1K, I am aware of that, since most of my real rifles and guitar cost that or more anyway it's not much of a problem, but for my first season maybe I should not be emotional and stick the something more mid priced range and get more serious the following season.

So AEG's it will most likley be. As far as walmart guns I have never owned one, until recently (the baretta). since I almost never used handguns in the games i didn't feel like spening a ton, it will be upgraded once I settle on a good rifle. I originally bought it for taget practice in my garage

I'm thinking I may rent for now and get age verified so that I can take a look in the classifieds and maybe start with a pre-loved AEG. and hit up laser trek or the Cochrane Capture the flag place.
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