Originally Posted by hidequick
Well I'm 21 and live in frederction nb and I am not planning on going to massive 20 on 20 games I'm more than likeley going to be doing it at my 20 acre property with a few of my freiends and then just some shooting of tin cans every once in a while but i have been looking at buyairsoft and their vsr 10 has some very good reviews I may just take my chances with this one and on a side note my crappy tire had a classic army carbine aeg for 230 I may pick this up as well.
Go by random uninformed reviews on the retailer's website. Those are
always reliable.
Yea, don't worry about anything we say. It's not like we have any experience with any of this stuff. This is Airsoft Canada after all. Oh, wait....
Now, I've actually
owned the L96 you're looking at.. the WELL version. To give you a bit of background, I play a rifleman when I play. I bought the sniper rifle simply to try out and have the occasional fun with at a game, and to do random plinking with a bolt action.
I sold it about a month after I bought it. THAT should tell you something. The tolerances were crap. The finish was crap. The bipod was crap. The scope was actually the only decent thing on it.
It's a fine gun if you're not serious about playing the sniper role (read: not having an overly effective gun). But I WOULD NOT recommend it as a first airsoft gun AT ALL. Do you know what a sear is? Do you know what a trigger box is? Read up if you buy this gun. You'll end up replacing one or the other in very short order.