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Old August 5th, 2011, 18:51   #1
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Laval (Québec)
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KWA KP5 (aka Umarex USP.45) misfiring/seal problem

Like many other peoples here, I have misfirings with my USP (all action cycle but BB not exiting the barrel... but droping from it when I shake the gun, meaning that it's still going trought the Up-Hop...)

I tried everything... lubing, complete reassembly, ect ect... was in lot of pains...


I noticed that the mag was a little bit loose in the grip (maybe around 1mm of so.. not so much). So I tried to shoot while pushin on the bottom of the mag and Bingo ! Worked flawlessly (well, as long as I maintained the pressure on the mag...)

Any tought on what that could cause that ? The mag release lever that got weared up ?
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