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Old August 3rd, 2011, 03:52   #3
KwGeek's Avatar
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Location: Kitchener
Originally Posted by Justinh789 View Post
First off is this because you currently have a JG dragon or are you trying to import one? I can tell you it will not get through customs if that is the case.
Oh you can still Get the JG dragon in canada, you can order one threw 007 airsoft

If I had any say in what you do to the gun, I would try and sell it and use the
money from the sale in buying a normal M4.

Being that is could be considered a collectable, because it is based of the gun used in the popular anime "Ghost in the shell" as there is a market for working airsoft guns that are based off Guns found in video games and Anime.

also you most likely would spend alot of money and time striping off the old shell and replacing it with a body that would make it look and feel like a normal M4 then you would just selling the dragon and buying a new or even used M4.

But I'm not a gun doctor or a gun dealer and I'm only fairing my best guess.

what ever you do is up to you.
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