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Old May 28th, 2005, 09:33   #2
tsuru's Avatar
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Winnipeg, MB
I really think you need to reseach stuff like this before you post here or you're gonna get flamed but...
I think what you mean by 'springer' is a non-blow back gas gun which (as the name implies features no blow back but does shoot semi-auto like most GBB's but in case you don't mean that:
Imagine that you're in a game, you have one of the rare situations where you need to use your sidearm, you pull out your springer, take your shot...and miss. With a springer you now have to cock the pistol again. Which unless you have three arms involves dropping your main weapon or something similar. In otherwords you'll spend more time getting a second shot out of a springer than you would fixing your main problem. In addition springers typically use lighter ammo than GBB's so if you're outdoors you're going to find your pellets going all over the place.
So in otherwords, if you even need a sidearm, get a GBB. They're more realistic, more powerful and you get what you pay for.
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