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Old July 4th, 2011, 02:42   #1
EscapisT's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Montreal, QC
The Silent AEG thread.

After hours of searching, I have yet to come across a decent thread that offers AEG silencing tips other than gear modifications (like replacements or shimming), piston head/cylinder head modifications, motor modifications (replacement and adjustment) or suppressors/silencers (which will be elaborated on later).

Let's see what makes noise in an Auto Electric Gun.

Let us begin with the pull of the trigger. The contacts are linked, completing the circuit. From the battery, it runs into the motor through the + contact and out the - contact, back to the battery. It's that simple. The trigger is nothing but switch. And the fuse, a fuse.

The motor spins a set of 3 sequential gears, the last one pulling the piston back and releasing it. The piston is then pushed forwarded through the cylinder by the spring, sitting directly behind it. The piston slams (and it really SLAMS) against the cylinder head, where it rests to be picked back up by the last of the 3 gears, restarting the cycle.

So which elements of this cycle make noise?
We'll go over them in the order of the cycle.

So, starting from the battery, the motor is first. The ONLY way to silence it, according to my research is to replace it. Any noise caused by its misalignment is produced through the pinion and bevel gear, so allow me to classify it with gear noise. As far as noise related to the actual motor internals, there is little to no information on modification to the actual motor, and I do not know enough about them to suggest any.

Next up, is the gear noise. It's caused by the simple engagement of each individual tooth. And since there are 3 locations, well, 3 and 1/2 including the piston teeth (:P). It can be reduced by shimming the gears, reducing lateral play, thus "sharpening" the noise and shortening the sound of engagement.
Also, another method to consider is to replace the gears entirely to helical gears, which are quieter IF SHIMMED CORRECTLY (aka perfectly).

Next is the pistonhead slamming against the cylinder head, which can be made quieter by using an upgrade damper or a "Silent" piston/cylinder head set which has 2-sided reviews. There are 2 types of dampers that have proven effective with cushioning, silencing + adjusting of the angle of engagement.* There is the sorbothane pad (which is a foam/rubber hybrid) or one can use a piece of mousepad foam, cut the match the original pad.

*By adding a thicker damper, the piston rests a little farther back depending on the thickness of the damper it rests against. Get the right thickness, and it actually improves the angle the last gear engages the piston, aside from cushioning the impact and reducing noise.

Lastly, suppressors/silencers, aside from hiding a longer inner barrel, can *apparently* silence the sound coming out of the barrel, which, most notably, is the puff of air and some say the piston "slap" is also audible from the barrel. It's controversial, but theoretically, when looking at how real steel silencers work, they may prevail.

What has led me to make this thread is a video I found showcasing an ULTRA silent modified AEG. The poster, however, chooses not to reveal the methods used for commercial reasons, hoping to profit from the airsoft industry rather than feed it . Meh, respect to his silencing skills nonetheless.

YouTube - ‪Cumbria Airsoft Repair: Sound Proofing Mod‬‏
Author's mods:
JG HK416 custom
Clone Systema gearbox
SHS 13:1 high speed gears
King Arms Tappet plate
TM Cylinder head
TM Cylinder
TM Piston head
TM Polycarbonate piston (AoE adjusted for ROF - Swiss cheesed)
Prometheus M100 spring
G&P M140 motor
CA Socom silencer
Firefox 1500MaH 9.6v NiHm

So, to finish off, well go over what I've done to my aeg.

It's a Umarex/VFC HK416:
Modify M100 spring
Modify ultra piston
Sorbothane pad (tried the mousepad as well, works really nice)
King arms torque up Helical gears
PERFECT shim job
Modify anti-reversal latch
Complete rewire using 16awg silverplated wire + deans connectors
Kingarms precision Metal Hopup chamber
Guarder clear silicone bucking
9.6v 1600mah intellect

Next thing would be a new motor for me, but something tells me that the m4 in the video is silenced using a new method, unknown or heard of to the airsoft community. Because my gun after all my silencing mods is NOWHERE near as quiet.

Last edited by EscapisT; July 4th, 2011 at 03:02..
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