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Old June 14th, 2011, 00:40   #11
EscapisT's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Montreal, QC
Originally Posted by HKGhost View Post
when you look down into the feeding nozzle, what do you see? Also fire the gun a few time in semi as you look. See if the nozzle is clearing completely as this might be the cause.

Damn Styrak beat me to it. :P

Taken from this stickied thread:

Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Disclaimer: Yes I was stupid, and suffered from it. No, no permanent damage occured, left a nice brown blister on my eyelid, swelling has gone down. I will ream your ass if you shit on me for this, it's a warning, not to let people have their way with me.

Ok, Put a new hop up unit into an M16, started shooting on semi, no prob. Went to full, started plugging the barrel for some reason. Pulled out the mag, dumped the excess BBs into my hand and back into the containter, saw one BBs in the chamber waiting to get pushed ahead, chambered and fired. Pulled the trigger while the gun was upside down, the BB shot right out of the loadig tube and into my right eye, about 1/4" from the inside corner. I blinked just before it hit, smacked my eyelid and I saw stars, tears came etc. I could still see out of with right after, amid the tears, but within 10mins, I had a 1" long by 3/16" (no, didn't measure with calipers you bums!) brown slug that had formed on the edge of my eyelid. Been almost two hours now, the swelling has gone done, everything is fine.

Just posting this, even if embarrassing, to either wear eye protection when checking anything related to ammo feeding and mechbox action, or to make sure your magwell is pointed in a safe direction when unloading the last BB from your AEG. Often times guns are declared as on safe and mags removed, eye protection comes off, and people will point their barrels in safe directions, gun upside down, to make perfectly safe the AEG. Be VERY careful about the open mag well!!!!!!!!!!!

Be careful what you tell people seeking advise. They don't know if youre an expert or misinformed or ignorant.

In all seriousness, before shaving the retainer down anymore and risking permanently ruining your mag, try taking the spring out of the mag and putting it back in with a few bb's behind it to increase the potential energy it uses to load your them into your hopup.... If that doesnt fix it, then the problem may be in your gear box.

Look at the motion diagram there. Your AK might not have a ver2 gearbox (im not sure) but most gearboxes are essentially the same internally.

See the black plate moving back and fourth, loading the bb's into the bucking? That's your tappet plate... It might be broken or not engaging on the sector gear properly. Try the bbs in the mag first.

Last edited by EscapisT; June 14th, 2011 at 00:53..
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