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Old April 7th, 2011, 12:46   #1
GBB Whisperer
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SAFETY ALERT - Illegal Propane Cylinder Refill Adaptor

On March 30th, 2011, the TSSA has immediately released an alert within Ontario regarding adapters used to refill our small 1 pound camp stove propane from large 20+ pound tanks.

In summary:
  • These adapters are ILLEGAL
  • Refilling these 1 pound tanks is prohibited by the Propane Storage and Handling Code
  • Incorrect refilling measures poses a significant safety risk is posed to the public such as serious fires, explosions and burn hazards

While airsoft is an inherently dangerous action sport, we must all do what we can to protect our safety, those around us, and the property we operate on. Overall, by being safe, we also protect the sanctity of our sport. Please do not attempt any activities that can bring our sport under the spotlight of those who seek to stop our favorite hobby!

Although this alert is issued for Ontario, the message is something we need to take seriously across the entire country.

Please note below, that a specific thread on Airsoft Canada Forums has already been marked and added to "a list":

Originally Posted by Fire Chief 1201 View Post
Please see the following reference to the illegal refilling of disposable propane cylinders. It is prohibited by Ontario law. Furthermore, you put yourself at risk of serious burns as the practice of refilling, from all descriptions, spills propane. You require a 20% air space in propane tanks for expansion. How do you know how much you have transferred to the small tank?

Please refer to the link below for further information.

Safety Program
March 24, 2011

Use of adaptors to refill Specification 39 (non-refillable) Propane Cylinders

Sent to:
Propane Fuels Advisory Council, Propane Risk Reduction Group, Training Providers, Interprovincial Gas Advisory Council (IGAC), Posted on TSSA Web-Site

Adapters designed to transfer propane from a BBQ-type cylinder to a non-refillable cylinder are being offered to the public via online retailers and are further promoted on YouTube (demonstrating a very dangerous practice). Refilling single trip cylinders is prohibited by Ontario laws and this practice may result in cylinders that are overfilled and thus have a potential to cause serious fires, explosions and burn hazards to end users. In addition, the adaptors offered for sale are not approved and may cause additional hazards.
While the Technical Standards and Safety Authority seeks to stop the illegal sale of refill adapters in Ontario, the public is warned that the practice of refilling Specification 39 Cylinders (typically one-pound campstove propane bottles) is illegal and poses potential risks of fire and explosion.
Clause 6.4.2 of the CSA B149.2-05 Propane Storage and Handling Code, adopted as part of Ontario Regulation 211/01 (Propane Storage and Handling), requires that cylinders shall be filled by weight or volume and specifies the maximum values permitted. Further, clause 6.4.5 states that a cylinder manufactured to TC Specification 39, 2P or 2Q and known as a “single trip” or “non-refillable” cylinder shall not be refilled.
Ontario Regulation 211/01 requires all things employed in the use and handling of propane to be approved (section 14 ) and prohibits persons from knowingly supplying propane to or using a thing or a container that does not comply with the code (section 16).

List on Known Manufacturers/Distributors of Adapters for Non-Refillable Propane Cylinders
• Mr. Heater:
• Air Soft Canada:
• KM North America (MacCoupler):

Further information may be obtained by contacting: Director – Fuels Safety Division, Technical Standards and Safety Authority,
14th Floor – Centre Tower, 3300 Bloor St. West, Etobicoke ON., M8X 2X4 Ph:416 734 3300 Fx:416 231 7525
FS –xxx-11 1/1

Last edited by ILLusion; April 7th, 2011 at 12:51..
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