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Old March 28th, 2011, 22:02   #130
GBB Whisperer
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Originally Posted by ibangkneebacks View Post
my A&K has a wonkey inner set up...popsicled together...i chopped the hop-up off the original & tk, slid the orig & tk back in and used another piece of the original inner to complete the length...does this affect anything? did i fluke it?
Unless you're some aerospace engineer working with NASA grade machine tools accurate to +/-0.0001mm and able to merge items to within that type of accuracy, I'd say you're screwing it up. The MOST important aspect to a precision barrel is surface consistency. A difference greater than +/-0.001mm will visibly affect shot accuracy, hence, the requirement to maintain a ten-thousandth of a mm to maintain that accuracy in surface consistency.

So did you affect anything? It's likely... but then again, I don't know how precise your methods are or what your mechanical skill and prowess is. Maybe you really are an aerospace machinist...

About 15 years ago, a company was machining add-on suppressors that had inner barrels integrated in to it. The idea, was a quickly extendable inner barrel, by screwing on the silencer. While the concept was unique and interesting, it failed miserably. It had been tried many times by individuals before, and after that, but ultimately, everybody's ended up with the same results. So, don't mind if we are skeptical of your hack job working successfully.
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