oh yeah, thanks krap...also the spin is random...since the bb hop-up chamber causes a bb to 'backspin' most of the time, the difference in spin direction is greatly affected by the tight twist...the barrels come 6.03mm-6.01mm in tighness (i believe, it's been a while and i can't find these anymore)...if i had a highspeed cam i'd b able to explain more...most of this info was built upon hypothesis that has been somewhat proven...(by grouping and chrono...there is yet to be an advanced scientific experiment to elaborate on the specifics a little more)...
however, now there's a fun experiment for all you (me included lol) to try out...all u really need to do is set up a highspeed cam around the barrel and then draw the lines of refference onto the little bb's lol and the foreground of the highspeed cams shot...then it's simple math to figure out the speed and spin revolutions...the trajectory experiment will be alot easier...
life sucks, so unzip your fly