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Old March 16th, 2011, 17:38   #21
THe_Silencer's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Hamilton,ON
Originally Posted by horto View Post
hey guys, I seem to be burning through trigger assemblies in my guns too quickly. I run 11.1v 1500mah buffer tube lipos exclusively.

I'm pretty mosfet-stupid, can someone spoonfeed me some options? (what mosfets are good? where is the best place to buy them?)

I've seen the new ASCU ones, but $100 seems like overkill to me. I just want to prolong the life of my trigger contacts, I don't need any fancy burst-fire modes and the trigger response is fine the way it is. seems like a good option but it looks like everything is out of stock in Don's store.
Get this. It will save your contacts and have yet to fail me.

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