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Old March 8th, 2011, 13:20   #15
CerberusNet's Avatar
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Belle River
Originally Posted by THe_Silencer View Post
One way to get a bit of FPS is to use a spring guide with bearings and have bearings in the piston head. The the thickness of the bearings and washers will keep the spring under more compression and will increase your FPS as a result.
Bearings where already suggested to be causing the problem. If it turns out the bearing are the cause, adding more would likely destroy the piston.

I agree with Con Murder in installing the stock spring untill the problem is solved. Actually I remember reading you are still using the stock spring..

If your FPS is decreasing, it may be a problem in the seals, either with the piston head, or wherever it is, it seems to be causing excess friction.

Possibly the cylinder may be too large or small for the piston, or the spring may be to long for it. I'm assuming the spring guide is stock, if not try installing the stock, the bearings could be taking up room necessary for the spring to fit when compressed.

With so many upgrades, any one of them being misaligned or improper fit could be causing the issue. If you still have your stock parts, I'd try reverting back to stock and replacing one peice at a time to see how they react with each upgraded part.

I know it'll be a lengthy and repetitive procedure but I honestly can't come up with a better solution.
Good luck
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