Originally Posted by TaroBear
I don't understand how you're supposed to hold a grease gun. By the magwell?
same way you hold a sten, and a mp40
Originally Posted by shiftsup
According to what was heard at the 2011 Shot Show,the ICS M1 Garand and M3 Grease gun (not M3A1 as the ICS will have that cocking handle apparently) will be AEG's each with proprietary mags (well...obviously).
I'll take one of each.
An M1 Carbine AEG would be interesting. It'll be tough to fit a gear box in there though unless it was one of those pistol type gearboxes.
Dboys has been rumoured to be making an M1 Garand or awhile now. Given that their Kar98K isn't exactly skirmishable makes me think the same about any Garand they would make (although I'd probably buy one anyway)
ISC had an outline of a SMLE under the designation M1 at the Shot Show. This started rumours about about an SMLE. Apparently it was just a mistake.
My Ares M3A1 Grease Gun should be here in week or two; looking forward to that.
I'd love to see a review of the Ares once you get it
and i've heard the same about Dboys, really not looking forward to it unless they totally rethink using shells. an AEG M1 wouldn't be all bad as long as it was over priced and had too many proprietary internals. The grease gun seems interesting, they may have a similar gearbox to the agm sten and mp40. as for the SMLE I wouldnt mind one, probably spring