Originally Posted by RacingManiac
The internal frame on 1911 is(and well be) used for the gun with or without a metal frame upgrade. No one has made a kit that replaces the inner 1911 frame yet(unfortunetely). So regardless if you upgrade the internal or not, they will be riding on the same frame structure....
And yes, more likely than not overtime the metal slide will wear out the stock pot metal frame. But how long it'll take for that to have problem is unknown, at least to me since I have not shot tens of thousands of round through mine yet.
5.1 in the Hi-Capa 5.1 refers really to the barrel length. A stock 1911 Government length gun has the same size barrel. Now between a Hi-Capa 5.1 and a 1911 they are more or less compatible, there are a few philosophical differences based on the pistol they are copying(full length spring guide vs plug, bull barrel vs bushing....etc).
Now I have cracked both stock nozzles in my Hi-Capas, one was used, and the other was brand new. Never have I cracked the 1911 one. Now 1911 might be lower pressure even on propane(or more rapid pressure drop over consecutive firing)due to much smaller gas reservoir, so it might be putting the nozzle on less stress. However they are the SAME nozzle, so fundamentally they can have the same problem. Which is why I always replace them.
Good to know. I'll take the safe route and replace the nozzle along with the other parts. I think I'll hold off on the slide though. Seems like replacing the slide is a good opportunity to replace a bunch of the innards. For now, I'll see how it feels with the new barrels, bushing, and nozzle.