Wanted: AirSofters in and around Prince Albert Saskatchewan.
Hello all,
I have long maintained that the adage "The more, the merrier" is very applicable when it comes to AirSoft. A group of us AirSoft near Shellbrook and we are looking to expand the numbers of people who regularly skirmish/play.
I am in the process of setting up a dedicated AirSoft field that will be as "organic" as possible (not bright colours and such so that it is more realistic looking for MilSim purposes). I will be offering a limited number of AEG rentals. We already have a few less developed playing areas on private land.
So if you live in Prince Albert, Shellbrook, Holbein, Canwood or areas near these communities and you are interested in playing together with others let me know. We are an inclusive, anti-elitist group that focus on safety, honour (sportsmanship), and fun.
Call sign: Usurper