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Old August 5th, 2010, 00:33   #24
ScooterVauto's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Edmonton
ok Y are they crap..
its a fun word, this is crap that is crap..
but why?
FYI saying its the quality control is a cop out..
I would ask, please show me something that proves it.

I not being pissy, i see that satement but never a proper reason.
With the Promethius barrel i had to run almost full hopup to hit 75 feet clean.
With the systemA i can hit 75 with less then 25% hopup.
to that end the system barrel carries the bb better.
they both shoot straight, FYI i will likely put my Promethius on my 733.

But a have the ability to change and when i head out this weekend, I will be doing range testing.. if the system blows at range, i'll drop in the pro.
hahah testing vs talking hahaha

ps i did try and find aa Laylax that would fit the stock assembly but the universe was sold out..
so i went the layalx hardware with the stock tm rubber and it seems quite solid & straight
A single Light is all one needs to find their way through the darkness, But a single BB is all you need to bring it on!
Im not worried about the Bullet that has my Name on it, Im worried about the bullet that says "to whom it may concern"
Lt. Alexander Washington -(Red Tails 1944) Ret.

Last edited by ScooterVauto; August 5th, 2010 at 00:35..
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