Originally Posted by Double Tapper
Sorry to reopen this thread,but it looked like a good place to ask
a question about the same mask in the OP.I don't need instructions
on how to use it,but rather where to get parts such as canister
plugs,canisters(if possible) and new elastic webbing for securing
mask to head.Also a de con mitt? Thanks in advance 
I've never seen cannisters outside the Army, Cannister plugs would be a miracle to find, they come with the cannisters, other than that I don't think you can get em, alot of troops who've been given masks or whatever have lost them, I'd offer mine but I'd need to open my canister bag to get at it :P
Elastic webbing, I don't think we replace it, as far as I know, it's one of those items we destroy and just replace due to the nature of it's intended usage