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Old July 6th, 2010, 00:52   #3
The Acer
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If I had 2k, I would go PTW, than GBBR

PTW is superior to gbbr, for mags, and performance, usable in winter time, and I can not justify that to get a little recoil.

That is the summarization of my opinion

PTWs perform very well, better than most aegs, and way better than any GBBR (internal gas) system out there.

Yes a quality GBBR is just as expensive as a PTW, however my fear is the maintenence of a GBBR and mags, (leaking, etc), quality Mags alone will cost a huge chunk of cash and your limited to 50 or 30rnd mags. On top of that, you will be parinoid that you may lost your mags when ever you do a mag change, cause that upgrade mag costs close to $80 or so.

PTWs, you can get 120rnd mags, or if you look hard enough, real caps. You have the option of cheap mags of $10, or systema brand ones of $50.
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