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Old July 6th, 2010, 00:49   #2
mcguyver's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Northern Alberta
There's about 3 years worth of threads on the PTW. Not all you could ever know about the PTW is contained in these forums though, most of what I learned came from years of working on them, tinkering, modding and using them.

A GBBR has it's uses, but nearly all the guys I know who have a PTW and a GBBR realize that each has it's strengths and limitations. A PTW requires far less maintenance thna any AEG or GBBR, and nearly all the maintenance of a PTW is in the cylinder. Short of a part failure which is exceedingly rare, there is no need to open the gearbox, and in fact, 200K+ rounds at 400+ FPS is quite common. Some of mine surely have surpassed 100K by now, even though they have moved on to new owners.

A GBBR requires cleaning of the moving components like any GBB, they suck in cold weather, and you have to use ammo plus propellant and be able to carry that with you. The PTW lack the recoil, but being battery operated offers it a wider climate range of reliable operation.

I wouldn't spend 2K on any GBBR, I'd put that into a PTW long before I got that far.

But I'm funny that way.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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