Thread: Kraken Upgrades
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Old July 4th, 2010, 23:47   #5
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Crap, I know the perfect thread for you to check out, unfortunately I can't find it right now. :banghead:

It was basically an upgrade guide for the Kraken from the very first things you should do out of the box and things needing replacement. It included cleaning out the "grease" it comes with out of the factory and regreasing with white lithium and such. I'll try if I can find it but if I haven't found in the last 5 minutes it might take me a while.

IIRC the thread was titled something along the lines of: "So you bought a Kraken? (upgrade guide)"

PS: I didn't know if you knew that though, only joining in June so I mentioned it anyways. As for Airsoft club, it's decent site from what I've heard, not stellar but good enough you would probably go back to them.
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Last edited by L473ncy; July 4th, 2010 at 23:49..
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