Originally Posted by AngelusNex
The full extent of my experience with GBBRs is with crunchmeisters Inokatsu M4..... He's had nothing but problems with it.... INSANELY fun to shoot / awesome to be shot at by, but not worth all the problems inherent with gas powered guns (at least as a primary). If you get one, always bring an AEG as a backup to games just incase.
Edit: However the WE GBBRs should be least problematic as they use the old proven brass cylinder system of the original Gas rifles. Though mags will always be the biggest drawback to GBBRs (leaks and cost)
Reliability is one of my greatest concerns. I am waiting for at least one or two people to say they have a gas rifle with no problems for 50,000 rounds.
Do you think that is even possible?
I expect an aeg to last 50,000 cycles, why not a gas gun?