Damn, some nice looking pistols on here. Here's my first & still favorite pistol, bought new waaay back in 2003:
Mostly stock WA M84FS "spy pack". I bead-blasted & re-anodized (to mil spec) the silencer; the original finish was too shiny for me. Also shimmed the slide rails with UHMW (ultra-high molecular weight) film; makes for a near-frictionless surface, and a lightning fast slide cycle. :twisted:
It's freakishly accurate for some reason; the grip shape & overall weight balance seem to give me a naturally perfect lineup with the sights. (Or maybe I'm just used to it.

I'm 6'5"; it's pretty damn tiny in my hands.)
All the wear/weathering is genuine too.

Many have mocked me for packin' a "girl's gun"; all have been shot.

It's survived many seasons of gaming (on greengas originally, now propane) with nary a problem. ('cept that once I accidentally thumbed the mag release (ala Mr. Bean in that secret agent movie, you know the one I mean) during a heated firefight; mag thumped into the (thankfully soft) dirt, my immediate adversaries & I froze in time briefly as they grinned at me, halfway to cover; then I got royally hosed from multiple directions. Ah, sweet newb memories from NVPB...)