Speaking of M9's, this is Spike's old KJW M9... made new again. Sort of. I don't like it any more though... the grips are just too fat for my liking. Lesson learned from that: try before you buy. At least, try a different, but similar gun before you buy.
Finally - proof that I did a complete overhaul of 80% of the internals. Only things left to replace to have a completely new KJW M9 would be... inner barrel, hop up mount/bar/spring/screw/etc, BBU cover plate thing, sear, pins and screws, recoil spring, frame, and slide. Everything else has been swapped out to either new or aftermarket M9 parts. Hmm, perhaps then there's a little less than 80% of new parts in there. Anyway, stare at these pics if you care about that.