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Old May 16th, 2010, 00:36   #1
formerly Medix
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Medicine Hat
Need help choosing...

So Im looking at getting back into airsoft after a year and a bit hiatus.
Now I used to run an M14, and an M4 Frankingun, and I absolutely loved both but sadly had to sell them to pay for school

So Ive tried my best to do my homework in order to come up with a few candidates:

VFC SCAR-L (If I can find one)
JG M4 and then upgrade it

Now Im looking for a good gun that wont be a total pos, but Im also looking for something that isnt $1000 due to my need for gear, mags, etc.

Any thoughts?
My only worry about death is that my fiancé will sell my gear for what I SAID I paid for it.....

Last edited by Rush; May 16th, 2010 at 00:44..
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