Hello. I recently installed some parts on my CA m4. Here is the list:
G&P m160 motor
G&G super torque helicals
12v elite mini battery with deans
ARES double o-ring cylinder head
Prometheus POM NEO piston head
Systema area 1000 spring guide
King arms m150 spring
Systema bucking
CA tightbore
My fps is VERY low for an m150. I cannot punch through the bottom of a coke can. Through the sides, yes, but not the bottom. A compression test with the cylinder, cylinder head, piston, and piston head gives no leakage. However adding the air nozzle and putting my finger over the hole gives much air leakage. So is the problem my nozzle? Where is my air going??? Haha.
Thank you so much for your time.
And just for reference, I'm not a gamer, in case you were scared of me using an m150 on a person