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Old November 3rd, 2009, 03:16   #54
Join Date: Oct 2009
I picked a used one up for $200 bucks the previous owner used it twice, I found the M-4 to be a bit hard on batteries but I think an upgrade to 9.6V will do me wonders, accuracy was good for the rifle being a short little M-4 and having that colapsable stock was handy. The weight of the rifle and mags was non-existant to me, im usually packing arround a full sized M-16 PTW, so being able to run while under fire was a definite bonus. Ill buy another G&G there cheap comparitivly and easy to get as well as light weight and for a guy with neck and back problems there great. Only thing that has me worried about these is that there mostly plastic has any one dropped / slammed or taught them to flip in the air and land muzzle first yet?

2 drawbacks though and yeah they were mentioned the battery wiring and connections suck a little shrink tube and a weatherpack connector or two and it wil be way more resistant to the dust and the damp. Second one is the selector switch, on mine it doesent exactaly click into place it just makes the connection with a little click, then again that may be inexperience with this set up.

Last edited by damaclese; November 3rd, 2009 at 03:20..
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