Thread: USMC
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Old September 6th, 2009, 22:30   #97
Vince's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Drummondville QC
FR/MSOB/WhateverIsTheNameNow kit

-FROG uniform
-MSA MICH TC2000 sz Lg w/ Norotos mount and various velcro patch
-RRV in CB: Actually the rig itself is a TAG one (since OST had a great deal on them last month) with the following pouches
FSBE2 Medical pouch (used as util)
2x FSBE2 Double Double M4 pouches
2x FSBE2 Frag pouch
Still in the mail FSBE2 Admin pouch w/ Flashlight pouch
I rigged my Camelback to the back with 550 cord to make some sort and cheaper Spine Pack
-PACA sz Lg in CB

Gamed the RRV on saturday and I gotta say it's my favorite rig so far. (and since I'm a gearwhore, having issued pouches on is a plus LOL)

Who wants to dine in hell?
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