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Old August 28th, 2009, 23:58   #35
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Steinbach, Manitoba
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I hate to jump in on your review thread Knyte, after all it is for reviews. However, we bought the 'Advanced' G&G M4 CQB-R from you a week or so ago. I can testify, it's a very solid gun, seems to be very comparable to the full metal M4 that I was Observing and feeling around at my Gun techs place. At least in terms of weight and overall feel. However, if I can remember correctly it was firing very consistently at around 295fps w/ .25's. Which translates to around 330fps w/ .2's. With the rate of fire being around 14.5 bb's per second. As well, it has a very responsive trigger. I would like to go into further details, but that is about all I can remember at this time.

The only thing that I wasn't too pleased with was the fact that the smoked lower receiver came with a hairline crack in it. But this guy was very quick to contact CAS to get me a new lower. Also, another problem that I had with this gun was that for just over $500, it outperforms my 'money pit' of an TM AUG...but I'm working on it.

Hope I helped or answered someones questions...if not, Meh, Whatever.
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