Originally Posted by Infekted
The future of trek is unknown at this point. Just fom talking with Larry I have found out that he only had liability insurance, after the press with the van going in the window little to no buisness has rolled through the joint. Airsoft doesnt support the rent and bills there the laser tag does. Dont be hating so bad on the place or the people that run it, if it wasnt for them where would we play in the winter? We all have our issues with people.. Thats just human nature, if trek just closed down one day, and we didnt have a place to play then where would we be? Give em a break.
I have no patience to give a break to an asshole. Period. His attitude cannot be excused by low income (Thats his fault cuz he's an asshole to people) nor the fact that his facily is the only one in Calgary.