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Old June 23rd, 2009, 18:43   #1
Lego Head
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Gatineau, that's right I'm in QUEBEC!
Trying to locate a specific peice of gear

Now its a backpack and I remember seeing them ALL the time a couple years ago; I think it was some sort of "Sniper Tactical Pack" or something along those lines. The key basic feature in it that I'm looking for now was that there was a flap at the top that allowed a carrier of this particular unit to slip a rifle into the pack it self and the barrel would be covered by fabric protecting it from sand and other shit.

Reason I'm trying to find this is that I've been trying to think of ways to transport my gear and AEG to games while riding my bike ((motorcycle)). I'm sure I can load my second line gear and ammo most of that stuff into my tail bag, but hoping that this pack would have space to hold my RRV and M4 with the extension keeping the M4 from view for obvious reasons.

I can't recall who made it exactly, but I was sure I saw it on DSTactical, or possibly OneShot a year or two ago.

Any help would be appreciated!

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