I was wondering how much does the length of a twist barrel improve accuracy and range? Or is it like a smooth bore barrels; the length not make much difference unless you significantly lengthen the barrel.
I'm looking to put a twist barrel in my JG G36C and was thinking of extending the barrel and using a suppressor to hide the extension. My JG out of the box clock 335 fps or there about, so is perfect for the twist barrel.
But having done some research I found out that going from a 247mm smooth barrel to a 363mm smooth barrel wont improve my range or accuracy that much; its the tightness that improves this, from what I’ve read.
Also upgrading my hop from the stock JG one will make a big difference, as by all accounts the JG ones are useless. But now having seen these twists barrels it looks like I might be able to kill two birds with one stone. Extend my barrel and improve accuracy; with out having to buy a replacement hop to go with the tight bore barrel. Or whould you still suggest repalcing the JG Hop?
Last edited by bearded-gelfling; June 11th, 2009 at 08:54..