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Search: Posts Made By: phloudernow
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion February 22nd, 2022, 06:11
Replies: 3
Views: 10,125
Posted By phloudernow
For Chairsofting and collecting, Id suggest you...

For Chairsofting and collecting, Id suggest you can go with the nice Vipertech GBBRs if you can get your hands on those for realism. they're prob one of the nicest GBBRs in terms of realism.

Forum: Upgrades & Modifications January 8th, 2019, 02:37
Replies: 8
Views: 12,247
Posted By phloudernow
Surprisingly the V3 Chimera's sold out super...

Surprisingly the V3 Chimera's sold out super fast, even though there was a big release on the non bluetooth units. V2, Next Gen Specs and Chimera's stil around from what I can see on their website at...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion March 19th, 2018, 05:31
Replies: 20
Views: 20,757
Posted By phloudernow
Nice Externals, but internally ill lean towards...

Nice Externals, but internally ill lean towards VFC anyday. G&P internal are trash too, and even if VFC stock internals are trash, the compatibility is alot easier on a VFC than a G&P.

But nice...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 12th, 2017, 21:23
Replies: 6
Views: 8,993
Posted By phloudernow
Hey brotha, from what i'm understanding some of...

Hey brotha, from what i'm understanding some of your mags are too loose?

I have the issue of the mags being loose too in all my VFCs, so to solve this i tend to seat a piece of Velcro (the furry...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications December 11th, 2016, 22:45
Replies: 20
Views: 19,007
Posted By phloudernow
Prommy 6.03 for sure, if you know how to R-Hop do...

Prommy 6.03 for sure, if you know how to R-Hop do it, if not then id suggest stick to Flat Hop. Some techs prefer Rhop as they can do it in the same amount of time as R hop but if u dunno how to do...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 11th, 2016, 22:42
Replies: 35
Views: 40,739
Posted By phloudernow
I think only EOD steve has had experience here? ...

I think only EOD steve has had experience here?

From my knowledge only the first batch of pre orders has been released to the public. 2nd batch of pre orders are eta Jan of 2017.

They're pretty...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 15th, 2016, 04:23
Replies: 0
Views: 4,311
Posted By phloudernow
Z-OT Airsoft?

Has anyone heard of Z-OT airsoft? They seem to make AK accessories and whatnot. Similar to TWI and Asura Dynamics but they only appear on WGC.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 6th, 2016, 23:25
Replies: 35
Views: 40,739
Posted By phloudernow
Prices are out, 154CAD for the drop in unit, but...

Prices are out, 154CAD for the drop in unit, but if u want the programing card and all the fancy bits then its another 100 on top.

Edit: on another note it seems if you want to program the unit...
Forum: Airsoft Media October 26th, 2016, 01:51
Replies: 28
Views: 51,622
Posted By phloudernow
V2 gb so BTC Spectre or Chimera :P I've...

V2 gb so BTC Spectre or Chimera :P

I've seen them in MP5s but not G3s but should be same no?
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 12th, 2016, 22:07
Replies: 16
Views: 16,665
Posted By phloudernow
When it comes to Glock buckings im not a fan of...

When it comes to Glock buckings im not a fan of the PDI W Hold. I stick to the Maple Leaf Ones. They have a new 60 degree yellow one and it comes with a C clip for extra air seal. I have yet to test...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 8th, 2016, 22:00
Replies: 35
Views: 40,739
Posted By phloudernow
GATE Titan Mosfet

So was browsing the Gate Website and it looks like they came out with their own Drop in "AEG Control System" - basically something like the BTC Spectres and the ASCU type deal.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion June 16th, 2016, 02:43
Replies: 20
Views: 13,922
Posted By phloudernow
Trigger Opens from Tue-Sat: 1:00 pm - 7:00...

Trigger Opens from
1:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Pretty standard hours imo.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion June 13th, 2016, 00:35
Replies: 5
Views: 6,629
Posted By phloudernow
PTWs and i think KWA ERG?


and i think KWA ERG?
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion May 23rd, 2016, 00:14
Replies: 20
Views: 13,922
Posted By phloudernow
I suggest waiting for their new line of guns to...

I suggest waiting for their new line of guns to come out. apparently all the newer models released later this year will include electronic programable trigger with a mosfet.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion May 12th, 2016, 03:31
Replies: 23
Views: 26,875
Posted By phloudernow
its marui its always around that price XD

its marui its always around that price XD
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion May 4th, 2016, 00:43
Replies: 23
Views: 26,875
Posted By phloudernow
that looks fake in every way dude lol

that looks fake in every way dude lol
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion April 26th, 2016, 23:25
Replies: 16
Views: 16,732
Posted By phloudernow
As someone who does film for a living, you don't...

As someone who does film for a living, you don't need things like "real sounding" or whatnot. all that is done in post production, Shell ejecting, muzzle flare, sound all done in post.

and you are...
Forum: Movies/Video Games/Sci-fi April 13th, 2016, 22:48
Replies: 17
Views: 76,778
Posted By phloudernow
Checked it out at JKarmy the other day, pretty...

Checked it out at JKarmy the other day, pretty cheap preorder price. 198 HKD. although will be 298HKD when it officially releases.

Preordered mine!

Also JKARmy has the The Division Patches. the...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion June 7th, 2015, 10:32
Replies: 24
Views: 17,589
Posted By phloudernow
+1 on WE Glocks, if you want a good Glock out of...

+1 on WE Glocks, if you want a good Glock out of the box with metal slide, WE Glock series is the way to go.

I like KSC too as my first Glock 17 was a KSC and ran it for around 5 years stock...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications June 2nd, 2015, 10:28
Replies: 22
Views: 21,584
Posted By phloudernow
From my Experience its drop in, it just really...

From my Experience its drop in, it just really depends on what barrel you are using. some barrels fit better than others but its essentially drop in. Ive had no issues.

Thing with TM units is that...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications June 1st, 2015, 19:38
Replies: 22
Views: 21,584
Posted By phloudernow
for WE glocks, basically the barrel assembly....

for WE glocks, basically the barrel assembly. Inner barrel. Hopup Bucking, i would also suggest changing the hopup unit itself, So far all the WE GLocks ive owned had really bad hopup arms that...
Forum: Airsoft Media April 28th, 2015, 10:53
Replies: 1,585
Views: 2,230,332
Posted By phloudernow
This is why I keep telling people HK3P frames are...

This is why I keep telling people HK3P frames are better than guarder frames XD. I do most builds off HK3P platforms nowadays. they are completely TM compatible. Havent had an issue with installing...
Forum: Airsoft Media April 24th, 2015, 18:08
Replies: 1,585
Views: 2,230,332
Posted By phloudernow
Zev Glocks :) ...

Zev Glocks :)
Forum: Airsoft Media April 19th, 2015, 22:36
Replies: 667
Views: 883,618
Posted By phloudernow
Since I dont have a tripod to set up for my...

Since I dont have a tripod to set up for my Crappy DSLR I took IPHONE PICS but they just as good :P

Zev Glock Projects :)
Forum: Airsoft Media March 31st, 2015, 16:29
Replies: 667
Views: 883,618
Posted By phloudernow
On Goin Project, Still have yet to be completed...

On Goin Project, Still have yet to be completed :P
Forum: Newbie Tank March 21st, 2015, 13:13
Replies: 68
Views: 41,470
Posted By phloudernow
I agree with this, I have owned a few...

I agree with this,

I have owned a few HK3P/WE Glocks and they are definitely great. In my opinion The glocks are the only Good pistol WE makes. everything else is meh. I haven't had any issue...
Forum: Newbie Tank March 16th, 2015, 04:50
Replies: 12
Views: 8,993
Posted By phloudernow
should move this to the restricted age of...

should move this to the restricted age of majority section......esp when dealing with this kidna topic.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 18th, 2015, 00:39
Replies: 1,013
Views: 7,883,024
Posted By phloudernow
Was wondering if anyone has had any experience...

Was wondering if anyone has had any experience with the guarder tight bore barrels, currently have a g34 project and from what I know they are supposed to be 116mm in length. was gona go with a PDI...
Forum: General February 16th, 2015, 17:41
Replies: 64
Views: 37,932
Posted By phloudernow
Man its been I think about 8 years since I've...

Man its been I think about 8 years since I've seen this level of immaturity in airsoft. I saw something similar in 07/08 while i was in Hong Kong.

both parties were at fault as one guy wasn't...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion February 11th, 2015, 17:28
Replies: 4
Views: 7,786
Posted By phloudernow
What ^ he said. Stick to TM, KJW and WE <--...

What ^ he said.

Stick to TM, KJW and WE <-- KJ and WE are clones of the TM systems.

VFC's are not bad though they are based off the TM system from what I know with some proprietary...
Forum: Airsoft Media February 8th, 2015, 20:33
Replies: 667
Views: 883,618
Posted By phloudernow
A picture of My Glock along with My buddies!!! ...

A picture of My Glock along with My buddies!!!

PewPewPewBrians Glock is also featured here :P
Forum: Airsoft Media February 4th, 2015, 20:31
Replies: 667
Views: 883,618
Posted By phloudernow
nICE!!! BTW im having a light striking issue,...

nICE!!! BTW im having a light striking issue, what valve knocker are you using?
Forum: Airsoft Media February 2nd, 2015, 19:58
Replies: 208
Views: 1,143,347
Posted By phloudernow
My Channel Im just starting. created a...

My Channel Im just starting. created a documentary about airsoft in HK last summer. Planning on doing one in Canada primarily with Toronto and Vancouver this summer.

Doing a cross Canada one will...
Forum: Accessories Discussion January 22nd, 2015, 01:14
Replies: 6
Views: 8,822
Posted By phloudernow
I think UR tactical makes the best replicas :)...

I think UR tactical makes the best replicas :) They are nice!! I've only ever bought them in Buddy Bullet in Hong Kong though, anyone know their turn around time for buying from their website direct?
Forum: Accessories Discussion January 17th, 2015, 21:05
Replies: 6
Views: 10,853
Posted By phloudernow
theres no exact 12 inch rail system from what i...

theres no exact 12 inch rail system from what i know. they do have 12.5 inch rail. You can go for the DD MK18 RIS II Rail. its 12.5inches long. Pretty good length, or try the KAC URX2 rail.
Forum: Airsoft Media December 18th, 2014, 23:30
Replies: 16
Views: 31,203
Posted By phloudernow
Bruh, those sights are sexy as hell, and i bet...

Bruh, those sights are sexy as hell, and i bet that thing shoots awesome!!
Forum: Doctor's Corner December 5th, 2014, 21:32
Replies: 12
Views: 8,081
Posted By phloudernow
You should try get a free replacement since its...

You should try get a free replacement since its brand spanking new. You might have gotten a lemon as i heard the ctw's are alot better now than before. Pretty sure its a lemon as i've seen G&D Dtw's...
Forum: Airsoft Media December 2nd, 2014, 16:03
Replies: 667
Views: 883,618
Posted By phloudernow
KSC runs a completely different system.

KSC runs a completely different system.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications December 1st, 2014, 16:26
Replies: 9
Views: 8,143
Posted By phloudernow
duno about lightness but if u mean No slack at...

duno about lightness but if u mean No slack at all my Glock is fully done up atm and runs a Ready Fighter Flat Trigger its tuned to the point w here u press it it fires right away the amount of...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 30th, 2014, 18:41
Replies: 48
Views: 33,762
Posted By phloudernow
+1 on this I personally do not own one, but...

+1 on this

I personally do not own one, but Ive shot one at WGC on multiple ocassions as well as a buddy of mine owns one and I gamed it once. Thing shoots amazing.

Long term things i wouldnt...
Forum: Doctor's Corner November 18th, 2014, 10:06
Replies: 8
Views: 9,938
Posted By phloudernow
why guarder bbu? if ur gona drop that much might...

why guarder bbu? if ur gona drop that much might as well get a UAC or Guns Modify One.
Forum: Accessories Discussion November 10th, 2014, 14:02
Replies: 12
Views: 12,428
Posted By phloudernow
Guns Modify SAI slide needs a lot of filing for...

Guns Modify SAI slide needs a lot of filing for the WE. I know from experience.

You can try the ACE1 ARms slides or maybe try get the PRIME ones. Yes Prime makes the SAI slides also. not sure if...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications October 23rd, 2014, 03:42
Replies: 1,013
Views: 7,883,024
Posted By phloudernow
Thanks E!!! ill check that out!!! Oh btw...

Thanks E!!! ill check that out!!!

Oh btw your inbox is full couldn't reply you about that PM
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications October 23rd, 2014, 03:39
Replies: 11
Views: 6,187
Posted By phloudernow
Was thinking of doing this, Now I've done this...

Was thinking of doing this, Now I've done this type of build before but with a Spectre or AWS for active breaking and cycle completion, im doing a new build but cant get my hands on either one of...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications October 19th, 2014, 02:47
Replies: 1,013
Views: 7,883,024
Posted By phloudernow
So I am a bit of a pickle here, I recently did...

So I am a bit of a pickle here, I recently did some big upgrades to my TM Glock 17, on Normal Stock TM Mags the gun shoots full auto like an 18C. but when i borrow my friends WE Glock mags they shoot...
Forum: Airsoft Media September 29th, 2014, 02:27
Replies: 2
Views: 7,536
Posted By phloudernow
I have tagged RW Tim in the video i shared on...

I have tagged RW Tim in the video i shared on Facebook.
Forum: Airsoft Media September 27th, 2014, 17:43
Replies: 2
Views: 7,536
Posted By phloudernow
My Airsoft Documentary

Hey guys, this is my airsoft documentary produced in conjunction with PTS, Redwolf and Milsim CQB training center in HK.

I created this over the summer in HK and it is a 3 part documentary.

Forum: Gear Discussion August 24th, 2014, 06:32
Replies: 22
Views: 19,179
Posted By phloudernow
tbh ive seen some dirt cheap custom kydex...

tbh ive seen some dirt cheap custom kydex holsters at around 30 bucks on amazon or ebay forgot which one it was but it was one of those. you even have the option of which gun, light attachment and...
Forum: Newbie Tank August 24th, 2014, 06:28
Replies: 12
Views: 8,900
Posted By phloudernow
Panther Field as in Panther Paintball should be...

Panther Field as in Panther Paintball should be located in the whiterock area? its about an 30 minute drive from Richmond, or 45 - 1 hour depending where u are in vancouver area.

not too far, u...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 30th, 2014, 23:58
Replies: 312
Views: 306,136
Posted By phloudernow
just to confirm, the shells for the Gas M870 is...

just to confirm, the shells for the Gas M870 is exactly the same as the springer ones right? meaning i can cheap out and use the ACM clone shells with this?
Showing results 1 to 50 of 500

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